On March 8, 2014, comrades from across the United States, representing various Marxist-Leninist tendencies and a number or different ML parties and organization, met at the Center for Marxist Education in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to found the Stalin Society of North America (SSNA). One of the SSNA’s stated goals is to encourage and honor research and political action that challenges the dominant anti-Communist view of Joseph Stalin, his life, and legacy. Thus, while most of the Founding Congress was spent in camera hammering out the organization structure of the Society, one of the public events of the Founding Congress was to give the very first, annual SSNA award “For Distinguished Contributions to Stalin and Soviet-Era Scholarship and Activism” to Professor Grover Furr of Montclair State University. Professor Furr, through his many articles, written in both Russian and English, and through his books Khrushchev Lied and The Murder of Sergei Kirov is arguably the foremost historian writing on the Stalin period in the English language today. The SSNA was proud to present Professor Furr with its first ever annual award. Afterwards, a banquet was held in Professor Furr’s honor.

Documents of the 2014 Founding Congress

Mission Statement
The Stalin Society of North America (SSNA) serves as an educational and research organization devoted to studying and popularizing the life, work, and legacy of J. V. Stalin. with an end to countering anti-Stalin myths and propaganda, and with the goal of restoring, in the public eye, Stalin to his rightful historical place.